Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Design Of Modern Architecture And Navigation - 1094 Words
Design in modern architecture is an increasingly organic process in which architects attempt to build unconventional forms and structures. In the ancient world, geometry was used as a practical tool to solve problems in fields such as architecture and navigation. As fragmented knowledge grew, mathematicians felt the need to approach geometry in a more systematic fashion. (Thorgeirsson 3) The key for understanding the structure of organic forms is abandoning Euclidean geometry, which does not describe the elements of the natural world. Instead it merely simplifies it using â€Å"ideal†forms such as line, circle, square, cubes. (Gawell 35) A dynamic development of digital tools supporting the application of non-Euclidean geometry enables architects and designers to develop both visually appealing and structurally sound buildings. In the era of generative design and highly advanced software, spatial structures can be modeled in the hyperbolic, elliptic or fractal geometry. This paper focuses on non-Euclidean geometry and its use in architecture. One of the non-Euclidean geometries used in modern architecture is elliptic geometry. It is also known as spherical geometry, a special case of the Riemann geometry for a constant and positive curvature. (Gawell 35) In elliptic geometry, all the straight lines are closed lines with a finite length and two different points may be connected by two segments. Historically this nothing new in architecture. Elliptic geometric elements have beenShow MoreRelatedHow A Website Is Best For Performance You Can Be Proud Of And Performance Essay755 Words  | 4 PagesA Website you can be proud of and performance you can count on Hemera can redesign your website with new and fresh graphics, improved navigation, and modern design techniques to help your website reveal its hidden potential. In general, well-designed quality websites have the potential to generate a very high return on investment. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Nine Legal Duties - 988 Words
â€Å"Nine Legal Duties†Michael Brown Lana Williams 5-7-12 M amp; W11:00-11:50 HUPF 3063 When planning a workout or skill, make sure you take it into consideration that all athletes are the same. Some of the coach’s athlete’s need more assistance than other’s. Never teach a skill too fast. It is advice that a coach shouldn’t advance the skill too quick; it could lead to a very dangerous situation. When planning an activity, the coach should consider each athlete’s capacity. Some are going to be in shape than others. This doesn’t mean to push forth and make progression. Make sure that each athlete ready before planning any workout. By doing fitness test will determine each athletes standards. Remember to develop a well plan that†¦show more content†¦There should always be supervision when a workout is carried out. It will ensure that the athlete is doing what their supposed to do. As a coach, you are responsible to foresee the hazards that may come upon. Never leave the students unattended. If you need to walkout for an i mportant call, then ask your assistant coach to supervise. If a coach doesn’t have anyone to take responsibility of his or hers athletes, then stop what their doing and make them take a break. This will prevent injuries from your athletes. A coach is expected to alert conditions that may be dangerous to your athletes. Always take action and protect your athletes. Duty nine provides appropriate emergencies assistance. A coach should provide medical assistance for injured athletes. If medical assistance can’t be reach then the coach should seek first aid. When fulfilling this duty a coach should seek first aid. When fulfilling this duty, a coach should have each athlete fill out a consent form for each athlete at the beginning of the season. When an athlete is injured, then the coach should take precaution on what to do. Pride will only get you half way; a coach needs to realistic in what he or she is doing. They need to be ready and have high-quality mind set. They shou ld have fun in what they’re doing and should never make this an unpleasant task. By following these nine duties, it’ll help a great deal on how to manage your athletes and knowShow MoreRelatedThe Strengths And Development Of The Center For Biological Diversity835 Words  | 4 PagesBehind every organization is a board of directors. The board is responsible for overseeing the organization and its mission. In order to fulfill this duty, boards must find capable individuals to join them. This is accomplished in a variety of ways such as through an election by membership or by pre-existing board members. Not only are board members expected to be capable of overseeing an organization, they should also be representative of their constituents. There is no fixed term on how long aRead MoreMonitor Company s Internal Control Function1096 Words  | 5 Pagesalso be applied, as applicable, to nonprofit and private settings. Case 1: The In re Veeco Instruments Case: Ensuring Adequate Internal Controls, Legal Compliance and Follow Through with Whistleblower Complaints. This case illustrates the importance of following through on all duties allocated to the audit committee in its charter. These duties may be required by law or listing requirements or by delegation to the committee by the company’s Board. For example, as noted in Part I, Exhibit ARead MoreRobert Peel s Principles Of Law Enforcement1253 Words  | 6 Pagesas well as justice for actions. These nine principles set up what he envisioned the metropolitan police to stand for and he wanted people to mold themselves to the conformity of the nine principles. 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Average of annual growth GDP(%) 2002-2011 Supported by stable economic growth, Turkey has also mastered its public finances, public debt rated general defined by the EU fell from 74 percent to 39.4 percent in nine years (2002-2011). Turkey respects since 2004, therefore the test established by the EU in Maastricht set the threshold ofRead MoreNational Education Union Research Paper1030 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. The union under consideration in this paper is The National Education Association of the Unite States. The National Education Association is made of two million, nine hundred and fifty two thousand nine hundred and seventy two members as per 2015. These number consists of teachers of public institutions including universities and colleges. Retired educators and students who are studying to be teachers also form part of the union
Monday, December 9, 2019
Middle Ages Renaissance Study Guide Essay Example For Students
Middle Ages Renaissance Study Guide Essay Middle Ages Dates: 500-1450 1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? It was a chaotic period of social and political unrest. Religious and political differences between and within regions led to nearly constant warfare. The life of all the classes was dominated by the feudal system feudalism. 2. Who or what had the power? The church 3. Who were learned or literate? Holy men or people of important status such as kings, queens, and knights most other people were illiterate 4. Who were allowed to sing in church? Only men were allowed to sing in church 5. Most of the music that was notated during the middle ages was sacred or secular? Sacred 6. Was most medieval music vocal? Yes 7. What is Gregorian Chant? Discuss its origin, texture, melody, rhythm, text. How did it receive its name? What is its purpose? Music to which portions of the Roman Catholic service are sung by unaccompanied voices singing in unison. The melodies of Gregorian chant are commonly sung a capable and in unison by men and boys, or by women in female religious institutions such as convents. The rhythm is free and flexible. The text may be treated in a syllabic manner with one note of music corresponding to each syllable of text. 8. When chant was notated, was the rhythm notated or Just the melody? Gregorian Chant and Just the melody 9. What are church modes? Any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until 1600 10. What is the Mass? Roman Catholic worship service 11. What is the Proper of the Mass? Parts of the mass change according to the seasons of the church year around Easter and others at Characteristic; they are proper or appropriate, only at certain times. 12. What is the Ordinary of the Mass? Parts of the mass celebrated at any season of the year or time of the day. 13. Who is Hildebrand of Bigger? 12th century Benedictine abbess who was a composer of sacred song and chant 14. When did composers begin to write polyphonic pieces? What was this early polyphony like? 15. What is a canon? Polyphonic composition in which all the voices perform the same melody, beginning at different times 16. What is a drone? Sustained tone 17. What is an station? Persistently repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern 18. What is the liturgy? Words of the mass 19. Who is Gallinule De Mach? The century poet and musician who composed the first complete polyphonic setting of the entire Ordinary of the Mass. 20. What city became the musical center of Europe during the mid to late Middle Ages? What was the musical center of this city and who worked there? Vienna Composers came from all over Europe to train in and around Vienna, and gradually they developed and formalized the standard musical forms that were to dominate European musical culture for the next several decades. 21. Composers began to write polyphonic songs that were not always based on chant, what were hey based on instead? 22. By the 14th century a new system of music notation had evolved. It allowed a composer to specify almost any rhythmic pattern. Were beats now divided into two or three parts or both? Was syncopation used? Both and yes Renaissance Dates: 1450-1600 1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? 2. What is humanism? Period characterized by a new optimism, that began in 14th century Italy and spread throughout western Europe during the Renaissance 3. What effect did the printing press have on music? It enabled books to be printed quickly and inexpensively, making them available to commoners 4. .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .postImageUrl , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:hover , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:visited , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:active { border:0!important; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:active , .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue693b4f276b67ada7219d902f7f5afba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kimberly Clark Case Study EssayWas every educated person expected to be trained in music? Yes 5. Where did musical activity gradually shift to? From the church to the court 6. Were composers content to remain unknown? No not anymore 7. Does vocal music continue to be more important than instrumental music? Yes 9. What is word painting? Musical illustrations of verbal concepts 10. What is the primary texture of most renaissance music? Polyphonic 11. How many different parts are typically found in a renaissance piece? How does this compare to the music in the Middle Ages? Typical pieces have four, five, or six parts, but medieval music had two and three parts. 12. What is a capable? Unaccompanied group singing 13. What was the rhythm like in renaissance music? Rhythm is more a gentle flow than a sharply defined beat. 14. What was the melody like in renaissance music? The melody usually moves along a scale with few large leaps. 15. What were to the two main types of sacred music? Define each of them? Motet is a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass. Mass is a polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections: Keri, Gloria, Credo, Sanctum, and Gangs Die. 16. Who was Joaquin Deeper? What type of music did he compose? Netherlands composer of the Renaissance who composed Western Music 17. Who was Giovanni Periling dad Palestinian? Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best- known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. 18. What was the counter-reformation and the Council of Trend? The time when the Church launched its counter-attack to reformation 19. List the three complaints with the sacred music of the day? 20. What is a Lutheran chorale? A four-part choral piece by theologies and writer Martin Luther, who also composed, used in Lutheran church services. 21. What is a psalm tune? Tuneful settings of the 150 psalms in versions suitable for congregational singing 20. What is a madrigal? Secular song introduced in Italy that became popular in England as well. Polyphonic in texture and expressive in mood, madrigals are written in the vernacular. 21. Who was Thomas Wilkes? An organist and church composer 22. How were instruments categorized in the Renaissance? Low or soft 23. Explain how dances are performed together? During the Renaissance period, there was a distinction between country dances and court dances. Court dances required the dancers to be trained and were often for display and entertainment, whereas country dances could be attempted by anyone. At Court, the formal entertainment would often be followed by many hours of country dances which all present could Join in. Dances described as country dances such as Charlatans or Carthaginian remained popular over a long period over two centuries in the case of this dance. A Renaissance dance can be likened to a ball.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lucas Paletas free essay sample
Tap, tap, tap go the footsteps. The small, yet, eager footsteps following the luring music. It didn’t matter if the music was coming from a block or more away, there would always be a ruckus among the neighborhood as children raced out of their houses with coins and crumpled singles holding onto dear life in their desperate, little hands. To think it all started because of one mouth-watering treat, a gift that can make one’s dayice cream. Growing up as a child was filled with countless days of waiting for the ice cream man to come down my street so I could have a refreshing snack after a long, productive day. Those were the days where flip phones were rare for children to have because it was uncommon for kids, like me, to have something that luxuriant. I was the most active and care-free person at that time and I didn’t worry when my feet would be stained black after running around outside and tip-toeing across rocks. We will write a custom essay sample on Lucas Paletas or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would easily be entertained with simple tools such as a shovel to dig a hole into the sand until it was big enough to fit everyone that helped dig. I wouldn’t stop playing until the sun went down and I heard the booming voice of my mother as she shouts across the street for me to come home and eat. After all that time; my only worry was how long I could stay outside. Each day, I would have outdoor adventures with a quick break in between where I would eat my Lucas Paleta that I had been waiting all morning to buy from the ice cream man. When I ate my popsicle, there was no need to worry about what I posted or what latest phone I wanted because I was outside more than inside; there was no Netflix to tempt me to sit around all day and binge watch the latest shows. Years before receiving my first phone in junior high, I would never bring any devices outside other than my CD player or Game Boy to show my latest CDs and games to friends. My only goals were to skip every other bar on the monkey bars and be the fastest and most fiercest on my bike while riding with one hand. I remember these little details in my childhood for they are what mold me as a person. I remind myself to value what may seem so insignificant today was once cherished. What remains unchanged is the environment for it will be there for future generations, and it’s up to me to decide with how I will use it to my own entertainment instead of gluing my eyes to a screen for hours. I remember my favorite popsicle as a child because it’s a constant reminder of the simplest times where it was alright to be outside all the time. The spicy, sweet, cold, electrifying taste will forever be a reminder of what it was like to be a child in a world that had yet to advance dramatically in technology. A time where the ice cream man was still cruising past houses that had many eager, young, energetic children ready to buy and devour their favorite flavors as I did with my popsicle. A popsicle that I will continue to believe in because of the memories it holds. I believe in Lucas Paletas.
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