Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Mitigation Strategies and Solutions - Essay Example It is crucial to curb the over use of non-renewable resources as these are non- replaceable. A constant use of these non replenishing resources until exhaustion will bring a situation of dire environmental and economic problems (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). It is the need of time to understand that human race altogether needs measures for energy conservation to save life on the Earth. This understanding is imperative as it can save not only household and business money but also the savings in terms of energy for tomorrow! Life in today's scenario is upon speed, demand and the power of energy. Human beings consume energy in almost every aspect of day-to-day activities like transport, heat and electricity. It is therefore essential that these basic activities must be diminished to ensure the conservation of energy and reduction or exclusion of unnecessary energy use and wastage. This requires individual and government efforts to make healthier living beings because human endeavor is imperative to deal with the burning problem of misuse of energy and resources. For this, human console, individual security, national security, environmental value, and financial capital must be taken into prime consideration (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). There are numerous actions that can be adopted to safeguard energy and prevent the environment around. It is important to conserve energy because most of our current energy sources are non renewable and have a finite quantity. They encompass all the nonrenewable resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gases, and nuclear power. These resources took millions of years to reform and again are going to take the same duration for its formation. Exhaustion of these resources will deprive the human civilization from the energy resources (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). Consequently, search for better options for the energy resources is essential. It is apparent that renewable resources such as biomass, water, geothermal, wind, and solar energy serve as better options for the energy resources releasing fewer pollutants in the air (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). Various nonliving factors that play crucial role in consumption of energy are sunlight, temperature, precipitation, water, and soil. Sunlight and temperature contribute to energy consumption. It is understood that like sunlight and temperature other renewable resources can also be used as sources of light and energy and also as an alternative to the nonrenewable resources that are currently being used (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). Apart from nonliving factors, living factors that may contribute or be affected by energy consumption are herbivores (plant eating animals or grazing animals), carnivores (flesh eating animals or they feed on other animals or matter of animal origin), and omnivores (they thrive on both plants and animals) (Energy Conservation Strategies and Solutions). The energy flow in the ecosystem as: Sunlight Plants Herbivores Carnivores Decomposers (Energy flow in Ecosystem). This displays the information that plants are the sole trappers of solar energy and they are the ultimate providers of energy to the entire ecosystem and animal world. If plants are affected by energy consumption, by deforestation, by utilizing them for various products, to get land for construction of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact Of Globalisation On The Nation State Politics Essay
Impact Of Globalisation On The Nation State Politics Essay The term globalization has been a contentious topic in the field of social sciences and disciplines alike in recent years. The expansive pattern of globalization makes a holistic definition of the concept difficult. Interestingly, in spite of the vast nature of the concept, there is a tendency to homogenize its meaning. Some commentators posit that globalization depicts a polyvalent, promiscuous, controversial word that often obscures more than it reveals (Jessop 2002, p.113), and that globalization remains the most over used and under specified term in the international policy domain since the passing of the Cold War (Higgot 1999, p.1). Indeed the inclination to generate a broad and homogeneous meaning to the concept of globalization may be as a result of the open nature of the concept itself, which makes it quite complex to conceive. However, a key theme in the globalization discourse today is the extent to which the process has led to the weakening and/or strengthening of the nation state. Some scholars have argue that the nation state is central in driving the process of globalization (skeptics), while others contend that the increase in transnational networks has weakened the nation state (Globalist). This paper does not intend to take side with any of these assertions; rather it seeks to analyze the various impacts that the process of globalization has had on the nation state in interacting with global networks and institutions. To achieve this, the first part of this essay looks at the concept of globalization vis a vis the evolution of the nation state within Europe from pre-modern era. This will bring to fore certain phenomenal changes in the contemporary global political economy of state which has lead to the changing role of the nation state in recent years. Using four key factors as my reference point, the second part delves into the impact globalization has had on the nation state under the following parameters The global capital, global environment, global citizenship as well as post-nuclear politic. This will help to suggest the varying consequence of globalism over nationalism In the final analysis, I find the structure for potential globalism evident, thus conclude that indeed the expansion of global network have transformed the function of nation states in today`s global polity, rather than erode the autonomy and sovereignty of nation states. Conceptualising Globalisation: Globalisation presupposes an ongoing process which applies to a broad spectrum of activities ranging from economic actions to the sphere of politics, law, and culture. It is defined as the deepening and expansion of socio-cultural and socio-political ties beyond national frontiers aided by a strong and complex technological breakthrough (Holm Sorensen 1995, p.1). The empirical revelation of economic interdependence however, finds a place in the globalization thesis when Scholte stressed that the growth in global flow of capital through foreign direct investments, the spread of transnational co-operation, foreign exchange transfers, and the establishment of export processing zones, has enmeshed the global economy into an integrated market arena. (2000, p.86). Unarguably the global political economy from the twentieth century has witnessed extensive integration of national economies particularly through cross-border investment and trade, however these interconnectedness tend to shape the policy of state actors via engagements with global institutions without recourse to place and time. Although while the economic logic of globalizations may have shifted to the consciousness of a borderless world (Ohmae 1990, p .172), it is worth noting that the interplay is not universally applicable as some state borders seem demarcated from contemporary global integration( some countries in the south). Thus these states adopt isolationist policies in the excuse that their domestic economic posture is not viable enough to interconnect with external forces. Therefore not all social relations have reached the stage of global civilization; while some nation states assume that international political power outflank its role (Taylor 1996, p. 11), others believe that global politics runs over state-centric political network into a more spatial extensive framework in contemporary times. The Nation State Evolution: During the Middle age epoch in Europe, political authority was distributed between individuals and religious institutions (Axtmann 2004, p.259). The exercise of authority was managed by wealthy merchants, royal families and religious heads in almost all matters during pre-modernization. Although the influence of religious institutions in exercising its authority witnessed a decline in the 16th century through the 18th century, Monarchs became increasingly powerful as a result of certain structural changes in Europe caused by the industrial revolution (Sorensen 2004, p.10). However the king in collaboration with a strong military presence at the time introduced taxes and used states apparatus to legitimize their actions. State managed infrastructure established for credit and monetary concerns were used to sustain the status quo by maintaining legitimacy and guaranteeing trade (Sorensen 2004, p. 10). This system carved out a central authority arrangement upon which the monarchs and the citizens related, giving rise to an administrative framework that metamorphosed in the emergence to the early form of the modern nation state creation. As a follow up, the signing of the Westphalia treaty in 1648 legitimized state structure as a sovereign entity. The principle of sovereignty was premised on the supremacy of the nation state over its subjects, territorial integrity and natural resources. Fundamentally, it is instructive to point out that prior to the Westphalia treaty being entrenched, more than two hundred European entities engaged in dialogues (Sorensen 2004, p.10). The consequence of those negotiations saw Europe having only about fifty states currently. This represents the highest form of fragmentation which passed through series of conflict processes especially during the 1900 to 2000, spanning across various wars with the death toll of over 115 million people (Tilly 1992, p. 6 7). Hence, the process of consolidating states into a transformed entity often navigates through a gradual stage of fierce engagements. This slow but effective transformatory stage is the standard, for launching into the international society; therefore the prevailing global society of states is a product of thorough creation following long standing interest articulation and trade-offs. One characteristic of modern state formation, is the severe decline of internal conflict and civil unrest and the prevalence of the rights of nations and human with the threats to violent conflict almost non-existent (Sorensen 2004, p.11). The presence of these attributes will guarantee the legitimate use of force, based on laid down principles and this will shape the relationship between the state and its citizen. Also since the authority which was once distributed amongst varying actors is centrally managed in a modern nation state, it naturally translates the allegiance of citizens towards to state in a manner that tends to create a sense of community from their history. This sequential establishment of the modern nations state is crucial to understanding the transformations that prepared states towards opening up to the global space. Just after the emergence of the modern nation states, technological and economic advancement tolerated dramatic development to occur within states and they became keen to protect their own interest in relation to others. In the present day, advancement in almost all spheres of interaction has opened up the distribution and consumption of hitherto domestic goods to become global products. What this implies is that globalization now plays a dominant role in the relation of the society of states such that economic activities either within or outside the state is done without emphasis on location. Although the economic relation of states are more often between states, the production of goods and services still remain territorially defined, thus the need to often comprehend international trade through state relations. Examining the effects of globalization on the nation state Global Capital: The enthusiasts of capital mobility, in the wake of advancement in information technology have identified the transformation of capital to be more global than national. They argue that in a formal geographical sense, the ownership of capital has shifted from the territorially bounded entity into an extensive global community (Mann 1977, p 479). Prior to the 1980`s capital mobility was at the purview national government through bond issuance to manage trade deficit/surplus for healthy competition. However the dismantling of state regulations to evolve a loose global market was in tandem with European consciousness to liberalize. Today, the speedy nature of the foreign exchange electronic market, likely explains the scale of contemporary global financial flow. The foreign exchange market accounted for tremendous growth from $1 billion in the middle of 1970s to over $1.2 trillion by 1990, surpassing the global trade ratio of 60:1(Cohn 2000, p.10). Also international bank lending have sky rocketed from a minor level in the 1960`s to over 20 billion annually in the 70`s and a steady growth of 10 times that level in 1990`s. In comparism to the state centric standard of control, contemporary financial capital has become intensively mobile that it no longer yields to the actions of determined governments as thought by many (Ohmae 1990, p.158). It is even more fascinating that the foreign exchange market has attracted almost any body without formal training, and this has become a speculators heaven due to its high yield opportunities it provides. An attempt by regulators to manage the foreign exchange deficits has been unsuccessful since capital gain from the foreign exchange market remains un-tax. Rees-Mogg and Davidson best describe the deregulation in global capital mobility when they stated that the Internet will make avoiding taxes so easy and risk-less that sovereignty will inevitably shift to the individual, leaving the nation-state to die of fiscal starvation (1997, P.159). This clearly shows the extent to which huge capital can literally travel miles across national borders with just a push on a k ey board button. On the other hand however, its been argued that even though capital movements have become largely trans-national the shares and currencies traded are usually pegged to national stock markets principles (Wade 1996). The sceptics response to the flow of capital either through trade or investment is that the institutional origin in which capital flow thrives is largely nationally based. Therefore the role of multi-national co-operations in spreading foreign direct investment around the world does not necessarily make them stateless. For instance the cost of establishing an electronics industry requires hi-tech manufacturing skilled labour, hence to ensure effective production cost, an FDI initiative will allows for the recruitment of local citizens and the avoidance of tariff barriers. This will result in the Manufacturing Company retaining a large proportion of local origin and blend to local conditions as against the claim that MNC`s are placeless. Fundamentally, the wave of globalization has transformed national economies from subsistent production to a global production apparatus. This means that the world of states is adjusting to the irreversible dynamics of globalization, as societies are becoming more competitive and coalescing to create an international system of interdependence. However this trend is not necessarily even or universal, the indications of globalization on the nation state has varying consequences. While a genuine single market is evident in Europe, North America and East Asia, the same cannot be said of Sahara Africa or the Balkans. Yet most literature more often generalizes nation state experience in its interaction with the global network. Global Environment: Human environment is full of overwhelming potential hazards. This risk is attributable to a number of factors, not exclusive to global capitalism. The environmental pressure of coping with economic production has indeed deeply affected the atmosphere and climate of the world. Dealing with this destruction will require nation state to take necessary steps in protecting their immediate environment. Europe, America and recently Singapore have sponsored the cleaning up of their environment. Nevertheless the need to respond to this challenge in contemporary global space demands both the rich and poor nations to share the burden. Richard Falk argues that the danger of ozone depletion requires the involvement of the optimist and pessimist alike (1999, p.28). This means that the current global era shifts the responsibility of solving the ecological damage from immediate domestic actor to a compliant network of actors which could be voluntary or through agreements. It is perhaps correct to say that responses to environmental challenges can be seen in duality, private firms now use slogans like Think globally, act locally to create an open concern towards the decay of the environment. The green peace initiative is in the forefront of disseminating the rejection of scientific exploitation of nature on energy grounds clean. In doing so its uses its western connection to influence the energy policy of national government across the globe, this is also similar to what the global civil society (GIS) does. Through an awareness campaign, the (GCS) cajole national governments into subscribing to the international code of conduct on environmental practices. On the other hand however, while it is imperative to `think globally and act locally` as some environmental activist advocate, the assumption that all environmental problems require global concern is quite misleading. For instance environmental concern arising from human activity on the soil such as deforestation and watershed failure are certainly dealt with at local level. In spite of emergencies and spread of international networks on environmental problem, the compliance of various nation states is important for positive result. Therefore Michael Mann affirms that the policy makers in transnational agencies are also representatives of their various nation state, therefore `soft geopolitics` remains a viable tool for effective policy implementation (1997,p.490). Moreover the skeptic view finds actuality in the history of international co-operations on global environment, as there are several examples of negotiations failing due to either structural imbalance of the North/South, or because states do not find such engagements helpful to their economic and political concerns. The Copenhagen summit failed due to this kind of suspicion. The weakness of the UN climate convention document as not reflecting the concerns of poor developing countries on the limit of emission reduction, created the deadlock negotiations at Copenhagen. Notwithstanding, one thing the Copenhagen summit would have achieved today is the fact that national governments are now well informed of the reality of climate change, therefore legislations from various national governments now seeks to address climate change within their own internal agencies. Global Citizenship: The current age of information technology has made the monopoly of information by nation states difficult. Across geographical boundaries peoples access to information on global development creates the opportunity for them to have varieties of preferences on products and life styles. Gone are the days when the flow of information was managed by government to suit their policy interest, currently people`s free access to information have made them cosmopolitan in their character (Ohmae 1990, p.19). The swiftness of information travel from the internet and cable network in an increasingly globalised world provides a background for understanding the changing role of the state with regards to citizenship. Richard Falk has described citizenship as a shifting set of relationship and attitude without any necessary territorial delimitation (Brecher 1993, p.39). The dynamics of economic, cultural and ecological transformation offered by globalization is responsible for this shift. Therefore human experience in contemporary global era makes global citizenship irreversible as it is impossible to territorially manage the relations of people. As stated in Ohmae`s borderless world, The Japanese have become global citizens through perpetual travel abroad. This he claims would not have been possible in the past if not for the flow of information around the world. (1990, p.19). Conversely, the global citizenship phenomenon has been challenge by skeptic who holds to the view that nationalism remains a powerful devise to the primary identity which gives people the rights and privileges they enjoy within a given boundary. They argue (Skeptics) that the legitimate role of citizen has been offered by the foundation of political democracy through constitutional framework which allows for periodic elections and the assurance of rights. However the generalization of global citizenship may have been overstated. The evidences are more conspicuous in Europe where the mentality towards market, politics and security has been largely de-territorialized. By contrast this mentality does not find credence in sub-Saharan Africa were negotiations to act collectively has often been a mirage. (Falk 1990, P.159). Post-Nuclear Politic:- Understanding the New World Order : The dominant discourse after the two great wars in political life has been how to fashion out a universal body to govern the world as a whole. The defining political challenge was to establish a world order based on sustainable democratic principles. A consciousness that was pioneered by the Western states after the lesson learnt from `hard geopolitics` was to build a world order bases on collective action. Therefore the concept of globalization and the use of `soft geopolitics` sets an agenda to restructure the world without necessarily going through the face of transformation that occurred in Europe.(Mann 1997,p.493). Consequently, threats ranging from rising nuclear tension in states like Pakistan and India and separatist agitations in other countries around the world continue to slap down reluctant militarist nations in global affairs. Globalization however offers a plausible platform to contain potential danger through global geopolitical order. In this regards, the United Nations represent a marginal player in global security concern. Even though its more often accused of failing, the evident bearing has shifted towards regionalism. The approach to build a global governance structure through regionalism has yielded positive results. With an experience from the European Union, security issues are now articulated within regions shaped by the UN charter . At least it is apparent that regional institution remains feasible potential network towards the emergence of positive globalism. In refuting the impact of global governance over the nation state, Max Weber maintains that the monopoly of territory remains a distinctive feature which only the modern state possesses (1968, p.56). This means that the prevailing role of governance is exclusive to nation states, therefore the choice to engage in the society of states or international relations is not forceful but dependent on the willingness do so. Since nation states develop into self-sufficient entities acting on their own will (Bull 1977). Globalization and Governance: According to the Keynesian welfare state which calls for powerful government involvement in economic planning and social welfare, the developed economies of the world embraced the Keynesian model since the end of WW II until the 1970`s. This system thrived as it became an effective management tool that strengthened the network between states in relation to the market. However the economic crisis at the end of the 1970`s informed by the oil strike of Arab and the resultant economic downturn, paved way for rapid economic liberalization and fiscal control. The wave of globalization has coerced national governments to reshape their functions towards a vast catalyst role of consensus building and mediation as against been the provider (UN, 2001, World Public Sector: 21). Hence, the liberal economic consciousness revamped the role of central governments in interfering with their national economy to mere regulatory roles, bases on neo liberal ideas. It is fascinating to discover that the adoption of new watchdog role as offered by open economic market principles in the United Kingdom witness speedy economic recovery than the socialist economic model of France at that time (Sorensen 2004: 33). The authorities that states exercise in managing economic activities became private regulated by non-state actors in the global political economy. Nonetheless, a complex network does exist between the state and the market in addressing governance issues. For instance, the Global Reporting Initiative (GLI) which is saddled with the responsibility of measuring the private actors impact comprises of NGO`S, MNC`S, the government and professional bodies. On the other hand also economic and political networks at the regional level have emerged viz :- ASEAN, NAFTA, EU and the AU all comprised of nations states showing awareness and wiliness tackling the prevailing demands of globalization. It is safe to state that globalization has transformed state structure and national government in coming to terms with the dynamics that the era presents. New partnerships between public and private sector have been on the rise and this has led government to be more accountable and productive. The Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs established in Mexico and Brazil have been adopted by many other states in the United States, e.g. The New York Citys Opportunity NYC (World Bank Seminar 2007). Conclusion:- The culmination of factors necessitated by the wave of globalization has provoked many thoughts concerning the future of the state. Indeed numerous revelations emanating from the literates suggest that the nations state has lost its role, some other thoughts argue the state still retain its character. It is against this background that I delve into the discursive debate. It has become clear to me that the impact of globalization is multi dimensional. Consequently the triumph of globalism over nationalism remains an ironic claim if not dubious; this is so because at every point of convergence the state remains an unsurpassed political actor for global engagements. While I do not affirm to be statist in my disposition or ascribe to the borderless world thesis, I correspond from my finding, that states are responding to the dynamics of global pressure and that the market is still subject to state control to some extent. In sum, the world has become anarchical with the technological advancement of our age, much as economic globalization has made the world replete with global product. Therefore the structure of global governance rests upon an engaging society of state rather than an imaginary global society. Hence impartial proposals, trade-offs and negotiations will help erect a true international society.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Promise of Human Cloning :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument
The Promise of Human Cloning         Cloning opens many doors of opportunities in the agricultural aspect of the United States of America. It has already been a major factor in saving the lives of many humans. I feel the society as a whole can not and should not degrade this scientifical finding. I feel that human cloning should not be done and that this subject raises too many ethical questions. I would like to focus on an agricultural aspect if I may. People raised hell when animal parts were put into humans to save lives and today it is an accepted part of medicinal science. I feel that cloning in an agricultural and medicinal aspect will become the same as transplanted animal parts. It will go through much debate, but ten years from now it will be accepted scientifically, socially, and morally. In an article in Newsweek called A Cloned Chop, Anyone? They take a somewhat neutral, but also somewhat negative viewpoint of cloning in an agricultural and medicinal sense. They admit some good aspects of this genetic engineering, but they still seem pessimistic of the future of cloning in animals excluding humans.         The first thing the article states is the Wall Street opportunities for the biotech field. Instead of phone calls from eager investors only phone calls from reporters were coming in asking about this market. I feel that now would be a great time to invest in biotechnical companies specializing in agricultural and medicinal cloning. This article says nothing about the great potentials of long term investment. Long term investment especially in the medicinal field is incredibly profitable. Just as in other controversial investing opportunities I feel that investors will find they could have made a lot of money if they invested in this area. Ten to fifteen years from now this agricultural cloning will be a commonly routine thing and price wars will begin for the products produced by them which means many great investment opportunities will be available. But one must remember that Wall Street is extremely short term investing so this is a good explanation for not many investors being interested in this because it is still many years before tangible and profitable products are made from cloning.         The article goes on to say the Scottish scientists have a lot of good ideas, but they seem to be only a sci-fi adventure. Once again I disagree. Scottish scientists are trying to help the human race, not be lucrative mad scientists looking for another way to manipulate the human race. The following are some things that have already been done with genetic engineering and they
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Isp – Internet Service Provider
Internet service provider * ISP (Internet service provider) * Regional ISPs provide Internet access to a specific geographical area * National ISPs provide Internet access in cities and towns nationwide * Online service provider (OSP) * Has many members-only features * Popular OSPs include AOL (America Online) and MSN (Microsoft Network) * Wireless Internet service provider (WISP) * Provides wireless Internet access to computers and mobile devices * May require a wireless modem An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet. Access ISPs directly connect customers to the Internet using copper wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections. [1] Hosting ISPs lease server space for smaller businesses and host other people servers (colocation). Transit ISPs provide large amounts of bandwidth for connecting hosting ISPs to access ISPs. [2] Internet connectivity options from end-user to Tier 3/2 ISPs * | History The Internet started off as a closed network between government research laboratories and relevant parts of universities. As it became more popular, universities and colleges started giving more of their members access to it. As a result of its popularity, commercial Internet service providers sprang up to offer access to the Internet to anyone willing to pay for the service, mainly to those who missed their university accounts. In 1990, Brookline, Massachusetts-based The World became the first commercial ISP. [3] Access provider ISPs employ a range of technologies to enable consumers to connect to their network. For users and small businesses, traditional options include: dial-up, DSL (typically Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, ADSL), broadband wireless, cable modem, fiber to the premises (FTTH), and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (typically basic rate interface). For customers with more demanding requirements, such as medium-to-large businesses, or other ISPs, DSL (often Single-Pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL), Ethernet, Metropolythian Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Frame Relay, ISDN (B. R. I. or P. R. I. ), ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and upload satellite Internet access. Sync-optical cabling (SONET) are more likely to be used. [citation needed] Typical home user connectivity * Broadband wireless access * Cable Internet * Dial-up * ISDN * Modem * DSL * FTTH * Wi-Fi Business-type connection: * DSL * Metro Ethernet technology * Leased line * SHDSL Locality When using a dial-up or ISDN connection method, the ISP cannot determine the caller's physical location to more detail than using the number transmitted using an appropriate form of Caller ID; it is entirely possible to e. g. connect to an ISP located in Mexico from the USA. Other means of connection such as cable or DSL require a fixed registered connection node, usually associated at the ISP with a physical address. Mailbox provider A company or organization that provides email mailbox hosting services for end users and/or organizations. Many Mailbox Providers are also Access Providers. Hosting ISPs Hosting ISPs routinely provide email, FTP, and web-hosting services. Other services include virtual machines, clouds, or entire physical servers where customers can run their own custom software. Transit ISPs Just as their customers pay them for Internet access, ISPs themselves pay upstream ISPs for Internet access. An upstream ISP usually has a larger network than the contracting ISP and/or is able to provide the contracting ISP with access to parts of the Internet the contracting ISP by itself has no access to. In the simplest case, a single connection is established to an upstream ISP and is used to transmit data to or from areas of the Internet beyond the home network; this mode of interconnection is often cascaded multiple times until reaching a Tier 1 carrier. In reality, the situation is often more complex. ISPs with more than one point of presence (PoP) may have separate connections to an upstream ISP at multiple PoPs, or they may be customers of multiple upstream ISPs and may have connections to each one of them at one or more point of presence. Peering Main article: Peering ISPs may engage in peering, where multiple ISPs interconnect at peering points or Internet exchange points (IXs), allowing routing of data between each network, without charging one another for the data transmittedâ€â€data that would otherwise have passed through a third upstream ISP, incurring charges from the upstream ISP. ISPs requiring no upstream and having only customers (end customers and/or peer ISPs) are called Tier 1 ISPs. Network hardware, software and specifications, as well as the expertise of network management personnel are important in ensuring that data follows the most efficient route, and upstream connections work reliably. A tradeoff between cost and efficiency is possible. Derivatives The following are not a different type of the above ISPs, rather they are derivatives of the 3 core ISP types. A VISP is reselling either access or hosting services. Free ISPs are similar, but they just have a different revenue model. Virtual ISP Main article: Virtual ISP A Virtual ISP (VISP) is an operation which purchases services from another ISP (sometimes called a â€Å"wholesale ISP†in this context)[4] which allow the VISP's customers to access the Internet using services and infrastructure owned and operated by the wholesale ISP. Free ISP Free ISPs are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which provide service free of charge. Many free ISPs display advertisements while the user is connected; like commercial television, in a sense they are selling the users' attention to the advertiser. Other free ISPs, often called freenets, are run on a nonprofit basis, usually with volunteer staff. Related services * Broadband Internet access * Fixed wireless access * Cable * Triple play * Internet hosting service * Web hosting service * E-mail hosting service * DNS hosting service * Dynamic DNS
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Barclays Bank Essay
Introduction The process of restructuring the telecommunication sector truly got under way in Cameroon in June 1995, when the authorities decided thoroughly to reform network industry sectors such as water, electricity and telecommunications with a view to creating a favourable environment in which to develop their infrastructure and services and thus to satisfy increasingly exigent demand. The process took the form of liberalization, State withdrawal from the sectors concerned and the establishment of a market structure enabling Cameroon to remain in step with the especially rapid global developments in the telecommunication sector; indeed, in spite of the investments made, the coverage rate and quality of service offered had remained largely inadequate. The process was carried out not only by defining the conditions and mechanisms liable to guarantee the sector’s opening to private initiative, but also by enacting regulations and taking measures intended to enable the sector to play t he decisive role incumbent on it in Cameroon’s economic development. Telecommunication sector reform in Cameroon is not limited to the establishment of new regulations and legislation, to the revision of the institutional framework and the establishment of an interconnection regime or to the introduction of competition. It should also comprise bringing behaviour in line with the times. One of our chief concerns is therefore also effective application of the regulations with a view to fulfilling the universal service obligation, ensuring consumer protection and providing for effective and appropriate regulation of true competition. The acquisition of the required know-how is the biggest challenge we face. The institutional players on Cameroon’s telecommunications scene are, as in many other African countries, of the opinion that any society that delays in jumping on the NTIC train will remain mired in a state of underdevelopment. Observations Background Before 1990, as in most African countries, telecommunication services were managed by a national publicly-owned monopoly. The administration in charge of telecommunications set the rules, ensured they were applied and was itself an operator. The results did not always live up to expectations. In June 1990, the President of the Republic signed the order on the programme to privatize public and semi-public enterprises. The telecommunication sector was added to the programme in June 1995. In July 1998, law 98/014 governing telecommunications in Cameroon (the Telecommunications Act) was promulgated. It established the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency and attributed sector responsibilities to a variety of players: the operation of telecommunication networks to operators, regulatory matters, i.e. application of the rules and supervision of operators, to a regulatory body, the definition of sector policy and the enactment of market regulations to the telecommunication administration. In September of the same year, two public enterprises, CAMTEL for the fixed telephone service and CAMTEL MOBILE for the mobile telephone service, were set up to take over the telecommunication activities of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and of the public enterprise INTELCAM, which was in charge of operating and developing international telecommunication installations. The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency was set up at the same time. Immediately after, the sale of a mobile telephone licence and the process of privatizing CAMTEL and CAMTEL MOBILE got under way. In June 1999, a mobile telephone licence was granted to a private enterprise. The privatization of CAMTEL MOBILE was completed in February 2000. The privatization of CAMTEL is not yet complete. A third mobile telephone licence is to be issued. In less than two years, the sector has undergone sweeping change. Suffice it to mention one indicator: in January 2000 there was one mobile telephone operator with about 5 000 subscribers; on 31 March 2001 there were two operators with over 140 000 subscribers. This rapid and in-depth transformation is taking place within a constantly improving legal framework. II A liberal legal framework The development of new technologies and liberalization have permitted access to new telecommunication services which, depending on their specific natures, require appropriate regulation. The Telecommunications Act sets forth a new regulatory framework, opening the telecommunication sector to competition. The framework, which distinguishes between public and private networks, provides for three legal arrangements: concessions, authorizations and declarations. 1 Concessions The State can grant one or several public or private corporate bodies all or part of its rights to establish and/or operate telecommunication networks. The concession is subject to strict compliance with the requirements set forth in a list of terms and conditions. This arrangement allows the State not only to keep a watchful eye on the harmonious development of modern telecommunication infrastructure, but also and above all to heighten its control over the development and supply of the basic services and facilities us ually demanded by the majority of users. 2 Authorizations The arrangement of prior authorization applies to the establishment and/or operation of telecommunication networks by physical persons or corporate bodies with a view to providing the public with a basic telecommunication service, a value-added service, a bearer service or any other service by using one or several radio frequencies. A list of terms and conditions containing the requirements to be met is attached to the licence issued to the bearer of a prior authorization. The authorization is issued for a fixed period and can be withdrawn under certain circumstances. 3 Declarations Declarations apply to the establishment of private internal networks, low-range and low-capacity private independent networks (that are not radio networks), low-range and low-capacity radio installations (to be determined by the Administration), and the provision to the public of telecommunication services other than those subject to the arrangements of concession and authorization. Telecommunication terminal equipment is either freely provided or subject to type-approval. Certain provisions of the Telecommunications Act are detailed in decrees and implementing legislation. We shall not examine all of them here; indeed, some of them are still being drafted. The reform in Cameroon established the separation between the regulatory and operating functions. It works in favour of operators being entities controlled by private capital. The general framework for competition is governed by legislation on competition. The legal framework is supplemented by institutions. III 1 A revised institutional framework The telecommunication administration Spectrum management and the legislation and regulations relating to telecommunications are the exclusive domain of the State. The telecommunication administration has been invested, on behalf of the government, with general jurisdiction over the sector. It sets the general regulatory framework. It therefore establishes and implements telecommunication sector policy, whose aim must be to safeguard the missions of public service, to promote harmonious network development throughout the national territory and effective private sector participation in the sector’s wealth and employment-generating activities, and to ensure compliance by all operators with the applicable treaties, laws and regulations. In addition, the administration supervises the telecommunication sector, oversees public telecommunication enterprises, represents the State at international telecommunication-related organizations and events, and manages the radio spectrum on behalf of the State. The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency, which technically answers to the telecommunication administration, is the specialized body in charge of facilitating actual application of the regulations issued. 2 The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency The organization of the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency established by the Telecommunications Act is set forth in decree No. 98/197 of 8 September 1998. The Agency has three main duties: – to ensure the regulations are implemented; – to guarantee respect for the regulations and the exercise of competition; – to settle certain disputes between operators. The Agency’s regulatory authority is subject to performance of the following activities: – definition of the principles governing tariffs for services; – examination of requests for authorization and declaration and of type-approval files for terminal equipment to be connected to public networks; – establishment of principles for calculating interconnection costs; – establishment and management of numbering plans; – management of the frequencies attributed to telecommunications; – submission to the government of proposals aimed at developing and modernizing the sector; – opinions on draft legislative and regulatory texts concerning telecommunications; – control and penalties for infractions. The Agency is specifically competent to settle disputes concerning interconnection, access to a public network, numbering, cases of harmful interference, and sharing of infrastructure. The Telecommunications Act provides the Agency with a quasi-judicial body and an arbitration procedure can be set in motion should one or the other of the parties be opposed. The parties remain free to bring their case before the competent court. IV Human resources Human resources are the key to management and progress, for they have knowledge, that rarest of economic commodities in the 21st century. The current transition from a monopoly environment to that of controlled competition has given rise to new demands in terms of basic knowledge and know- how in telecommunication regulation. Telecommunication leaders and staff in Cameroon were still dealing with the transition from analogue to digital when circuit switching was suddenly replaced by packet switching. This recent change has reshaped the concept and definition of telecommunication networks and services. Everything must therefore be done to make sure the human resources acquire the skills they need for their own development and that of companies, which create wealth for the well-being of peoples. The Ecole Nationale Supà ©rieure des Postes et Tà ©là ©communications, an independent facility run by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, provides basic instruction in telecommunications and ICT to technicians (technical and operating staff), supervising technicians (operating technicians and supervisors) and senior technical managers (works engineers and operating inspectors). It plans to organize standing professional certification for the staff of public and private enterprises and of the public administrations in charge of telecommunications and ICT. V International cooperation Cameroon has always been present and active in regional and international telecommunication organizations. It is a member of the Administrative Councils of both the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). It has had very few bilateral exchanges of experience and information with other African countries. The ineffectiveness of regional (ATU) and subregional organizations (CAPTAC) has precluded the launch at subregional level of cooperation activities aimed at developing telecommunications in Cameroon. At the international level, ITU has not been closely involved in telecommunication sector reform. In the past eight years, it has provided some technical assistance but otherwise almost no support for telecommunication development projects in Cameroon, possibly because the Area Office in Yaoundà © is not functioning. The capacities of the Area Office in Yaoundà © should be reinforced. Its main duties should be: – To disseminate ITU documents and information in the area. For this, it should have the means required to provide the documentation centres of the main players in each of the area’s countries with the documents and books needed to acquire knowledge in telecommunications and ICT, for most of the sector’s African managers will have to teach themselves. In this respect, hard as opposed to electronic copies remain invaluable in Africa.
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